Restore Revive ReFresh

Every piece has a function and story worth preserving.



Minneapolis-based Franklin & Irving Repair Shop was founded by husband and wife team Pamela Diamond and Michael Brenner. What started as a hobby for an arts marketing and publishing professional turned into a local service business dedicated to artfully upcycling one-of-a-kind heirlooms. From vintage furniture and paintings, ceramics, framing, and upholstery repairs, we approach every project as a unique opportunity to apply our design and technical skills.



“Pam and Mike did an outstanding job up cycling the old piano bench I work on daily to champion equity and inclusion across race, class and culture. Imagine my surprise when I saw the personal story it told utilizing imagery of all the things I love and care deeply about. It’s a work of art that I will treasure forever .”

— Marnita

“I’m so happy with the painting Pam restored. As one of my dad’s prized possessions that was rapidly disintegrating , I was thrilled to see it painstakingly restored and secure from further damage.”

— Diane A.

“Love it! Thanks for repairing the broken ceramic plate from my college boyfriend. Good to know some things can be put back together…hoping the world can be set right soon.”

— Janet F.

Let’s Get Started

We’ll prepare an estimate and walk you through every step of the process.